Contact us

I get many enquiries from horse owners and carers relating to many differing, and sometimes complex, issues with their horses. Naturally we're here to help, and everything we can help you with is covered extensively for you on our website via the links off the main menu bar above, so keep your eyes on these pages as we're constantly updating with new science and research.

Here are some guidelines for you:

  • If you're completely stuck, at your wit's end, having thrown everything at your horse and nothing's worked (and even your vet's given up), head for our Everything's Wrong page from the top menu. This page will then link to you to various other appropriate pages where there'll be a regeneration programme for you to choose from.

  • Pretty much thereafter, head for our Nutrition by Condition page on the top menu, which has an alphabetical drop-down box of every equine condition we cover. 

  • No question that gut enquiries take top place in our email enquiries. The most common gut issue is the domino effect of hindgut acidosis / dysbiosis / SIBO / leaky gut / faecal water, but there's also colic, ulcers, microbiome issues and so on. So, follow our Gut System page from the  Nutrition by Condition page and follow the various links.
  • Then there are the more well-recognised ongoing conditions, i.e. Calming, Coat&Skin, Colic, Cushings/PPID, Detoxification, Eye Health, Hooves, Immunity, Joints, Liver/Kidneys, Lymphatics, Mallenders/Sallenders, Mares, Pain/Inflammation, PSSM, Respiration/Pollens, Stress, the Senior Horse, Tendons/Ligaments ... we cover every condition and more, each with its own dedicated page with the latest updates and information for you to peruse through, again all via our Herbal Nutrition by Condition section off the main menu above.

  • Looking for Mineral Balancers? All covered in our Mineral Solutions page.

  • Finally, if you're thinking about changing your feed regime, this is all covered in our Feeding our Horses Healthy section above, where you'll find my take on all-things-feed, including what to feed/what not to feed, my own feed recommendations, and tons of other useful information.

Still need to contact us?

See the form below, or email us at, or you can reach us via Facebook Messenger. Sadly we're not able to take telephone enquiries - being a small family business we've found that time simply doesn't allow us to take calls as they invariably last at least an hour, which while always lovely for me to chat all-things-horse with our clients, those calls queue up and I don't get anything else done! However, I happily spend all hours outside of the office replying to email and FB.

Finally, a quick disclaimer

The content of this website, alongside any recommendations I make, has been based on over 15-years of dedicated study and research, and always for the benefit of your horse. Your instincts and relationship with your horse are also vital - after all, no-one knows your horse better than you.

However, please bear in mind that having not seen or met you or your horse, I can only offer support based on the investigation we carry out with you, together with the information you provide us with. Please note that any information or support we offer is not intended to replace professional veterinary medical advice; in fact, we very often work alongside client's vets.

Best wishes

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