Nutrients - Alcar, L-Glutamine, Linseed, Magnesium, MSM, P5P, Salt & Tyrosine

At the heart of vibrant health and vitality lies critical nutrients, each with their own superpowers, ready to elevate your horse’s well-being to new heights.

  • Acetyl-L-Carnitine- energy boost and metabolic enhancement.
  • L-Glutamine- repair and recovery.
  • Linseed(Micronised) - shine, health, and vitality.
  • Magnesium(Oxide) - body harmony and balance.
  • MSM(Methylsulfonylmethane) - joint health and anti-inflammatory.
  • P5P(Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate) - a critical liver detoxification catalyst.
  • Salt- hydration and electrolyte balance.
  • Tyrosine- mental alertness, focus, and mood enhancement.

Our nutrient lineup also includes two specialised blends designed to target specific issues:

  • JointReflexa- flexibility and ease of movement.
  • GutAminos- gut health/renewal.

Achieve optimal health with our curated collection of nutrients, one rocket-fueled molecule at a time.
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